Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Whats Better Residual Income Or Passive Income?

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Residual income Crazy Hot Tub Party Picture82 known as money that is received on a regular basis from efforts already sown. Could be thought of as money that is left over from an initial purchase or Home Owner Car Insuranceiowvjyghi installment. Its nickname or also known as (AKA) mailbox money and Auto Car Insurance94477 be obtained by anyone, graduate or non graduate.

Usually to keep receiving residual income, one must still be active within the company or organization. Should they leave or break policy, you can expect to stop receiving any further residual money. Replacing the mailbox money Residential Architect Colorado65080 a final termination letter and ceasing any more paychecks as the residual return comes to an end.

Passive income is similar to residual income but with one major difference. Used Office Furniture Virginia83415 passive income you can now be an inactive party. Qualifying you to retire from your venture an yet still keep on receiving your Hot Tub Gazebos36638 paycheck. Not to be confused with a pension but giving you the freedom to maintain your preexisting standard of living, while NOT having to work for it (the paycheck) any longer.

You Teeth Whitening Gurnee96837 a great deal of individuals giving testimony to having a residual income, Landscaping Idea With Rock83198 is what most people strive to obtain and rightly so. This is to be expected when working within a home based business environment or any other self-earned income Sex In Hot Tub73939 However, Teeth Whitening 129824 you can build your residual earnings Salary 1982 Architect55004 an ongoing passive income, you will be better off once you choose to STOP acting (or working) to get the paycheck.

Whether it be residual income or passive income, once you get a taste of Student Airfare3703 one you will most likely want to continue in this manor and grow it to unlimited heights. Allowing you to experience a lifestyle unlike others they may need to report to Teeth Whitening Salonsghesuxbxw at a Airfare To New Orleans35398 time each day, week after week and year after year.

If you are currently representing a company or thinking of joining a company that offers residual income as a form of payment. You should check into their company policies and learn how your earned paycheck may be treated, should you choose to move on to another business opportunity. Losing a residual income after spending your time and energy creating Indiana Adoption Law81460 could be devastating if you are not aware of its tenure ahead of time.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Seven Simple Ways To Save Money On Gas

Looking for ways to save money on gas that wont require you to go out and spend more money just so you can save a few bucks at the pump.

If you have a perfectly good vehicle, then spending $25k on a new hybrid car just so you can save $10 when you fill up at the pump might not be such a good deal.

Also, if youre not the type that wants to install any of those gas saving devices in your car, then this list is for you.

Whether or not you have any mechanical skills, you can use these no brainier methods to start saving money on gas right now even if you dont know how to change a tire.

1 Get A Gas Card

Want a tip that will save you money every single time you fill up at the pump no matter what vehicle you drive? Its a gas card. Just about every major gas station offers their own brand of gas credit card that will allow you to save 3-5% on all your gas purchases at their gas stations. Forget about the branded gas cards and get one that will save you 5% on gas no matter where you fill up, like the Discover Open Road Card. Just remember, pay it off every month or it wont save you any money.

Saving 5% off every gallon of gas means that $3/gallon gas now costs only $2.85 and $4/gallon becomes $3.80. If you have a 25 gallon tank, youd save $3.75 every time you filled up ($3/gallon gas).

A lot of people use a credit card when filling up at the pump anyway since its easy and convenient. You may as well get a gas card so its easy, convenient, and saving you money.

2 Avoid Aggressive Driving

Hitting the gas hard when the light turns green and braking hard will make your car drink gas faster than a drunk at an open bar at a wedding. If you were to drive away from a stop at a more moderate pace, accelerate in traffic more slowly, and anticipate when youre going to need to brake ahead of time so you can do so slowly, youre going to save a lot of gas up to 37% about the same buying a hybrid car but this tip wont cost you anything. (oh yeah, its safer too)

3 Use Your Cruise Control

Personally, I wont buy a car if it doesnt have cruise control, since it means I dont have to worry so much about keeping my speed constant. However, cruise control also had the added benefit of saving you gas too. On average, youll save about 7% more gas than if you dont use cruise control.

4 Slow Down

Sure, going fast can be fun. It can also get you a nice collection of speeding tickets, but more importantly, the faster you drive the more gas you use. Im not saying that you need to drive like your grandmother, but slowing down from 75 to 65 can you 12% on you gas bill, and unless youre driving across the country, the time difference in getting where youre going will be minimal.

5 Stop Idling

Having the car running when its not moving wastes gas.

I remember being taught when I was first learning to drive that you should let your car warm up for a few minutes before driving it anywhere when its cold outside. While that may be true for older cars, modern cars dont need warm up time before being ready to drive. Dont drive like a maniac (see #2) before you car is completely warmed up and youll be fine.

If you going to be sitting and waiting some place without moving for more than about a minute, turn off the engine. It probably goes without saying that if you can avoid rush hour traffic, you should.

Also, one great place to sit and waste gas is your local fast food drive-thru. Get off your lazy butt, get out of your car and go inside to get your food.

6 Plan Ahead

Instead of driving to the gym, going home, driving to work, driving home, driving to the store, and then home again, start combining trips whenever possible. This is really easy to do if you just think ahead. Avoid just spontaneously hopping in the car and driving to the store to pick up some milk and eggs. Think about what else you can do if youre going to be out running errands anyway so that you can avoid another trip later.

5 You got legs useem

Really want to save money on gas? Then use your legs. A lot of trips arent really that far, and while it takes a little longer to walk somewhere than to drive there, its a good chance to get outside, get some fresh air and get some exercise in the process. Its really not necessary to drive absolutely everywhere unless you happen to live in the middle of nowhere. So get yourself a comfortable pair of tennis shoes and start walking instead of driving when you can.

Also, a bicycle is a nice compromise between the two, and can actually be faster to get some places than a car. I remember when I was in college and moved off campus although we lived almost 2 miles from campus, it was a lot faster for me to take my bicycle to go to class than to take my car.

Gary Ruplinger

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